Project: Space Invaders (Type)
Alien Invaders Code in VS Code
This taught me how to use the PyGame library and how to implement some math into my code for fixed variables and also movement of not just your ship, but the alien ships as well.
Project: Earthquake Map (using .geojson data)
Earthquake Map Code in VS Code
This taught me a lot about using json, geojson and csv data. I ended up using just Geojson here, but I also made a map for world wild fires that takes csv data and imports it into the matplotlib library for using the scatter plot function.
Project: GitHub highest starred repos (API used)
This project was one that I was very passionate in doing, pulling data from an active listing (as people can star the post over time this graph could change, but with it being GitHub I dont believe these will change anytime soon) It taught me about APIs and how some are free and open source to use, but some you have to sign-up for. I think this really opened my imagination for creating graphs that will constantly fluctuate and change over time. I find that to be very interesting to code, Setting up the actual connection to the API was simple with importing the requests library for Python, then using the Plotly library for the bar graphs and setting up the x label to contain the actual website, so you can see what the most starred post looks like.
GitHub API Bar Graph Code in VS Code
Project: Random scatter plot (Great for smoke like image effects)
This small project I was so dumbfounded by. It is randomly plotting 2 million dots on a graph (I removed the x-axis and y-axis accordingly to focus more on what the dots create. Every time I have run it I get these really cool smoke like effects which could be used amazingly especially when used as a trace for an image. I was doing research on the random walk method that data scientists will use to create an effect of randomness on the graph, pushing knowledge aside, I really fell in love with this small little project, very simple to make, will use a lot.